Glow! is a platform for adapted interactive video generation. Content is adapted to the user preferences. Our players adapt content to every screen and react to user gestures.
Glow! integrates existing data sources and supports up to 100% automated content generation. Glow! can be used as a cloud based solution or as in-house installation.
Customized Tv Everywhere
Based on the same content, Glow! generates audiovisual content targeted to specific screens. Video is not only scaled, but all the screen content is reorganized to improve viewer experience.
Interactive Video and Monetization
Besides ads time selling (like in regular TV) Glow ! allows to track gestures on the video, fire actions (such as opening an ecommerce site) and monetize.
Localized / Customized Content
Content can be adapted to regions or specific sets of users. Several streams for different regions can be generated. Content can also be integrated in the player side, so that specific data or video is adapted per user basis.